My circle thinks outside the box

I work alongside some great people. We collaborate on projects and draw from our collective experience to deliver high level results.


Every great brand needs to start with an objective or a desired outcome. Why are you wanting to refresh, improve or build a new brand?

There are a couple of classic enquiries I get for branding:

  • “Nathan, we are a start-up but we are wanting to enter the market with true credibility and a presence that can’t be ignored.”
  • “Nathan, we’ve been in business X years and we’ve had a logo that has served it’s purpose, but we want our competitors and clients to start taking us seriously as a big player in our industry.”
  • “Nathan, our brand has a rich heritage, our anniversary is coming up and we want to take our current image and modernise it without losing the legacy we’ve built since day one.”

What is branding? Branding gives your business the opportunity to seperate itself from your competitors by creating a lasting visual memory to your market or audience. Branding broken down includes individual assets such as colours, fonts, layouts, tone of voice, iconography and photography.

I help businesses find their personality, if your business is in need of a fresh identity let’s talk about how I can help you.


For most businesses a website is a critical asset that can help the financial growth and be a place of knowledge collection for your market. A lot of work goes into making sure a website is robust, functional, aesthetic, fast and responsive.

By joining forces with some of Adelaide’s best local website developers, I have created an in house capability to build you a completely custom website from design all the way through to the going live stage. Working in the same building with these developers means I have immediate access and direct eyes over all active projects.

Time and time again I hear horror stories about overseas or remote web developers disappearing on clients leaving them to figure it all out for themselves. Being local, you’ll always have a place to come if you have any questions or changes moving beyond the build of your new or improved website build.

Take a quick look at some of the websites we’ve built for our customers.

—  Modifying Factors
—  Heli-D
—  Pacemaker
—  Liberty Oil

Graphic Design

Every business has the need for graphic design at different levels. Graphic design plays an important role in business, beyond making your marketing and branding assets ‘sexy’. Great decisions in the design stage of any project can impact how the audience perceives your business. We want to create a feeling or trigger an emotional response that motivates your customers into making a desired action.

Business cards, capability statements, presentation slide decks, digital graphics (for websites, social media or ad campaigns), document templates, vehicle signage to general graphic design support. Happy to take a call anytime to talk about what you might need.


Nothing brings a brand to life more than movement. Animation can be a great way to take your branding to another level. From animating graphics for social media, corporate events to creating a dynamic website just through some simple animation tells your audience that you are operating at an entirely new level to your competitors.

We’ve done everything from animated logo designs, corporate explainer videos, video explainers and social media graphics. We’d love to hear what project you might have and discuss ways we can improve your brand.

Take a quick look below at how we used animation to bring a simple landing page to life.

Video Explainers

Complex or ground breaking products or services can be tough to explain to new audiences. Sometimes, long text heavy documents and face to face conversations just aren’t enough and can leave you frustrated and your audience confused.

Animated visual aids can help your audience understand your solution to their problems. We specialise in producing captivating, informative, and engaging branded corporate video content. Our expertise extends to developing dynamic and impactful TV commercials, distinctive business videos, as well as promotional and educational animated films.

Take a quick look below at how we brought two very complex businesses and their offerings to life through animation, voice over scripting and story telling.


Engage your audience with impactful and high quality photography.

Photography can play a vital role in shaping the first impressions of your brand in the mind of your audience. Beyond mere aesthetics, professional photography serves as an essential ingredient, elevating the impact of your website, publications, or marketing materials.

Our comprehensive approach integrates all aspects, from planning and storyboarding to shooting, post-production, and editing, all managed in-house. This synergy not only saves time and resources but ensures a seamless visual narrative for your brand, essential for effective marketing.

I’m always on the lookout
for collaborations with new clients.
Don’t be a stranger, let’s talk.